Saturday, April 5, 2008

Welcome to our "Yarden"

Today was a day of planting. I have never been one to be a green thumb but I thought I would take a stab at it. We went to our local Home Depot with Landon and our neighbor's daughter in tow! When we got to the garden center, we looked around, and decided on what we wanted from there. My idea was to get plants and flowers that need little care. We decided on some spruce evergreens, gardenias, boxwoods and various flowers (type, I'm not sure) for some color.
While Andrew an I planted, Landon hung out with Emma. Emma also helped with some of the planting in the "yarden," as she called it. She picked the purple flowers that should grow outward like a ground cover.

I'm sorry that I didn't take any "before" pictures, only after. The good thing is that when you see the "after" pictures, it will be easy to imagine the "before." Try really hard but imagine there being absolutely nothing, just dirt and pavers, and you have a good idea of what the "before" looked like. (I should let you know that we did plant some flowers last year when we moved in, but they were very sad looking after the winter.)
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J & M Nelson said...

Emmalyn had a great time with you guys yesterday, and your YARDEN looks great. Martina

Anonymous said...

I very proud of you two. The yard looks great! love,aunt lisa

Anonymous said...

that should say "I'm very proud of you two instead of I very proud of you two. love,aunt lisa