Sunday, February 11, 2007

Happy Birthday!

Andrew's family came in from New Jersey to celebrate his Aunt Connie's Birthday!

Andrew's parents & Uncle Ray and Nancy

Andrew and I with Connie and Gary

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Wednesday, February 7, 2007

10 Year Reunion

My 10 year high school reunion is coming up! I can't believe it. Thought I would post the website. I'm hoping I'm able to make would be great to catch up with old friends!

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Jax's 1st Snow Day!

It finally snowed! We were so excited that it snowed...even if it didn't stay long (or cause a snow day)! This was the first time Jax ever played in the snow...we think he actually liked it!
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Joined the bandwagon

Andrew and I decided to join the bandwagon and start a blog! We have no children to brag about...unless you include the mutt, but we thought this would be a great way for family and friends to see what's going on with us here in Virginia.