Monday, April 20, 2009

Stroller Dilemma

I am finding myself in a bit of a dilemma. It's nothing major, I just can't decide on a new stroller for when the new baby arrives. Landon will only be two and I know that getting around will be easier if I have a stroller that is compatible for two.

I currently have 3 strollers!! Why? I have no good reason except that I received two and bought one. Early in the pregnancy, Andrew and I went to a garage sale that had lots of used baby items. We bought a few things including a small stroller, all for $15. The stroller is a bit larger than an umbrella stroller but much smaller than most others. It has come in handy for when Andrew takes Landon is soccer practice and fits nicely in the Saturn. I do not like to use it due to the fact that you have to bend a bit to push and it isn't very comfortable.

The second is my Graco Travel System pictured below. I received this from family members as a gift. I absolutely love it! It goes everywhere with us. The only problem is that it is a single stroller.
The third stroller is actually a jogger by Baby Trend, pictured below. I also received this as a hand me down from a friend of Andrew's mom. She used it with her first and didn't plan on having any more, and gave it to us, along with tons of clothes. Super generous! This has come in handy, obviously for jogging, but I also use it out and about every once in awhile. What I dislike is that the front wheel does not swivel and pushing it while jogging is quite tough. Now I know, no matter what jogger I have, I will have to push, but there are definitely others that are much easier. Of course, other downfalls, it seats only one child and there isn't a place that is compatible for a carrier.
My thought is that I would like to sell both the travel system and the jogger and get one stroller for both kids that can be used as a jogger, too. I know I would probably be able to sell the travel system for more if I included the carrier, but that would mean I would need a new car seat for the baby in the beginning. I'm not opposed to an new car seat, it's just that means more money and the ease of transport in the carrier would be greatly missed. I know especially for Andrew.
Now my dilemma...which to get??? I have been eyeing two strollers for quite some time and have been going back and forth on which I would prefer. The two are: the Phil & Ted and The B.O.B. Both are quite expensive, but I figure if I sell my other strollers (plus I have a few other items in the house to sell on Craigs list), then the output from me would not be as great.
Here is the B.O.B. I have used this jogger and think it is great. It was easy to push, especially while jogging, it seats two comfortably, and when the baby is little and in the carrier there is an attachment so that one seat can be Landon's and the carrier can go in the other. Plus, the front wheel has the ability to swivel. My major issue with this stroller is the size. To use this stroller as an everyday stroller is possible, it just is very large. I know a few people with this stroller and they absolutely love it!
My other choice is the Phil & Ted dual stroller. The reason I like this stroller so much is that it is an in-line stroller. I can stroll both children and it's like I'm using a single stroller. Instead of sitting side by side, the children sit like below. With the stroller, you also have the option of placing the rear, lower seat in the front. I didn't load a picture of this, but click here to see the other arrangements. Not only that, this stroller can function as a single stroller, if I happen to be with only one child. I'm not sure how often that may happen, but you never know! One of the problems with this one is that I'm not sure how well it would work as a jogger. I have seen it used as one but haven't found as much information on it. The other is that, while the baby is in a carrier, it would be in the front and Landon would have to be in the back. I'm not sure how much Landon would like sitting there.

I know that there are less expensive double strollers out there. Graco has an inline double stroller, but it's really big! Also, many people love their sit and stands. My problem with these is that I still need a jogger. There are also less expensive joggers, but the strolling ease of the two above, out weigh the other joggers.
If you have any suggestions, please send them. I am constantly going back and forth on which to purchase.


Ashley said...

While I don't have any practical experience with this yet, I have just recently finished a wonderful book that is going to come in real handy when we start shopping for a future baby. The book is The Baby Gizmo Buying Guide. It discusses several things you covered. I'll tell you a few but would really recommend this book. I think it is only $10 or so on Amazon and really interesting.

a. The jogger's front wheels don't move b/c that is a safety feature in all joggers. They suggest if you are going to use any stroller for jogging it be a fixed front wheel or at least have the option to lock the front wheel straight.

b. They advice against the strollers like the Phil & Ted b/c little one's fingers get curious and there have been reports of injury from the bottom kid sticking their hands in the wheels.

Just look into those two concerns. Good luck with your new baby purchases! I can't wait to see what you get!

Anonymous said...

I would not recommend getting the jog stroller that has one kid on top of the other. I see them at the zoo and one has a very obstructed view. We went with a sit and stand stroller. I love it. I use the jog stroller and Reagan rides her big wheel. There is no perfect solution. My friend with three went with the sit and stand and the double jog stroller. The problem she finds with the double jog stroller is it is too wide for shopping and stuff like that. Just some thoughts.


J & M Nelson said...

I sat Phil and Ted that as you know is what we sold at the store and i wish I would have spent the money to get one!!

ChicagoMama said...

Hey Kelley,

We have a BOB (single) and LOVE it. If we ever need a double, I'd likely go with the BOB. It handles well and can fold up fairly quickly. Another option is a sit and stand stroller. Have you seen those yet?