Sunday, April 12, 2009

Getting Ready for Easter

Yesterday, while getting the house back in order,we spent the day getting ready for Easter.  We started by visiting the Easter Bunny.
Later in the day, we dyed Easter eggs for the first time.  This is what happened before we even got started.  I had all the dye up on the counter top and of course it caught Landon's attention.  He got hold of the blue dye bowl...what a mess!
Landon and Daddy had a great time coloring the Easter eggs.  Landon kept calling them balls and throwing them in the dye!  Needless to say, a few of the eggs have cracks in them.

Here's the finished product...
Once Landon was in bed, the Easter Bunny left his basket for the morning and hid eggs in the yard.  The Easter Bunny got Landon one of my most favorite Disney movie, the Fox and the Hound.  I can't wait to watch it with him.


Ashley said...

He is so precious!!! What a mess!! Glad ya'll had a great Easter!

J & M Nelson said...

how sweet little boy are just so messy i am finding!