Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Pool Time

Yesterday, Landon & I took a drive to Babies r Us to get him a little pool. This could have been a nightmare, but luckily the pools were right up front, so we grabbed one and headed to the checkout. The past few days have been quite hot & humid & instead of spending our days inside, I thought we could actually play outside & stay cool, plus I can get a little more sun before school starts. The pool is nothing special & its probably a bit small, but since Landon isn't a huge fan of water (besides the pool), I figured this should be perfect.

We brought it home, I filled it with water, then we headed inside for lunch. This allowed the water to warm-up while we ate. I knew Landon would have nothing to do with the pool if the water was too cold.

Once lunch was over we packed up all our things we would need & headed for the backyard. Landon got in no problem, but would only stand. If you know Landon, he's not the most graceful child & is quite a klutz, so it didn't take long for him to fall. Once he did he was set! he was splashing & playing in the water.

This is Landon's "cheese" face. He has started to realize what a camera is & when he sees one, he says "cheese". Sometimes I don't even have to ask him, he says it on his own.

I figured I would add a little fun to the pool, by pulling his slide up to the pool. He loved it. Landon was going up & down the slide for at least 30 minutes. He had a blast!
I thought maybe today we would do the same but it looks like rain is coming, so we may have to pass on the pool today.

More posts to come...our weekend should be packed. Andrew is off tomorrow & Friday. I have my 34th week appointment tomorrow. We are getting close, about 5 more weeks! Landon was born right after my 36 week appointment. We may take Landon to a water park (if the weather permits) & we have to work on the nursery for the two kids. Landon's "big boy" bed come Friday & I need to get painting!


Ashley said...

Oh, girl! You are almost there!! Landon looks like he was having a blast in his own little water park!

J & M Nelson said...

how fun we did the same thing with our slide this year!!