Here's an update on our little guy. It has been quite an eventful week and we still have a bit of a road ahead of us.
On Tuesday, he received the call that Jax was put down. It was a call we didn't want to get, but were relieved to get. We felt better that he didn't have to spend too much time in a kennel (a place he hates), and know that he wasn't in pain.
Thursday, we headed to the pediatrician's office for stitch removal. when he got there, they didn't have the board to strap Landon down. Andrew & I did not feel comfortable with us just holding him, so we headed back to the ER. Landon was great, he laid down without a fight, and had the 5 stitches on his face removed. The doctor wanted to give the stitches behind the ear a few more days. Unfortunately, our visit didn't end there. While the doctor was bandaging the slightly open wounds on the face, he discovered that the lower one was infected. Landon was strapped once more to the board so the doctor could remove the infection and re-irrigate the wounds. We were back to square one! The wounds were opened back to the original day and now we had to let them heal without any stitches.
Friday, Andrew took Landon back to the ER to have the doctors check out the infected wound, and everything looked ok. The doctor also gave us a number to a plastic surgeon, since the wounds would probably not have a clean scar.
Tomorrow, Andrew & Landon are going to meet with the surgeon to get his opinion on the wounds, & what he would recommend. Also, Landon will get the stitches behind the ear removed while there.
Our only concerns right now are: 1. Landon has a severe diaper rash...and I mean severe, it looks really painful. (we think it's come about from the antibiotics) 2. that the bottom wound is not infected again. After bath tonight, we were looking at it, & it seems a little swollen again. Keep your fingers crossed.
This picture isn't a great one of his cuts. All the smaller ones are healed, but you can kind of see the two large ones he received. It looks like everything is healing well
This was taped before the accident, but I thought it was funny. He has a new move that he does (it's hilarious), but I failed to capture it in this video. It's hard to explain in words, I'll have to post another video.
I am glad he is feeling better and back to him happy self !!!
Poor Landon! I hope he doesn't have to have surgery. Keep us updated!
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