Sunday, May 31, 2009

New Haircut

Landon's hair has been driving Andrew nuts for a couple weeks.  I should get used to it since Andrew is meticulous with his own  haircuts.  I, however, have been ok with Landon's hair getting long.  

Today, Andrew finally took Landon to get a haircut.  I didn't go because it wasn't an issue for me.  I was in the kitchen when they came home, I looked out the window and saw Landon with what I would consider a "military" cut!  I couldn't believe it.  I know it isn't bad & it will grow out, I just wasn't expecting it to be so short.  I thought Landon would get a little trim. I guess I'll be going next time.

Saturday, May 30, 2009


...and to the movies we went.  

Andrew & I have been talking about going to see the new Disney PIXAR movie, Up, for quite some time.  We thought it looked pretty good, and since Landon loves movies, we thought why not go!  We knew we were running the risk of a meltdown or boredom somewhere in between the first 10 minutes & the end, but we decided to go anyways.

We decided that the best time to go was the early showing, which was 11:00.  We knew that if we went at that time, there would be more kids (so other parents would understand if Landon started acting up) & it probably would be less crowded.  We were right, the theatre was barely full!

On our way there, Landon fell asleep.  It didn't surprise us since that is right around Landon's nap time on the weekends.  We kept him asleep until the middle of the previews.

Once awake, & eyeing the presence of popcorn, Landon was ready for the movie to begin!  We came prepared with de-de & green monkey (a new lovey) just in case!

The movie was great & Landon behaved wonderfully!  He was totally absorbed in the movie. Both children & adults can really enjoy the movie.  The storyline is quite adult, but the characters & plot were quite funny.  If you're a crier, like me, be prepared to shed some tears. Overall, I would recommend taking your children to this movie.  Landon left a happy camper!

Friday, May 29, 2009

New Dance Move

I finally was able to capture Landon's new dance move on camera.  He does it all the time, but by the time I get the camera out, he's either over dancing or he wants to watch what's on the camera.  He dances everywhere.  Whenever there's music, he wants to dance.  We love it & so does everyone else who get to witness this little guy pull out all his favorite dance moves.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

I'm Back...

...with many updates.  Sorry that it's been awhile.  This weekend was quite packed, so I have lots to blog about.  Stay with me, this could be a long one!

First of all, Landon is doing well.  Thank you to all who have continually asked about him & let us know you were thinking of him & us!  We really appreciate all the thoughts & prayers. Andrew took Landon to the plastic surgeon over a week ago, & the surgeon was upset with a few things:
1. the ER didn't use dissolvable stitches.  He thinks that small children should only have to go through stitches once (when then are put in).  We did ask about dissolvable stitches, but the doc gave us some reason, that I cannot remember.
2. the ER stitched the puncture wounds on his face.  He understood their reasoning (help with the scarring), but explained that, that's what he's her for.  He also thought that the closing of the wounds help cause the infection that came later
Ultimately, everything is healing fine & the surgeon has us on the books for another consult in 6 months to re-evaluate Landon's wounds.  He thinks that Landon may not need any surgery, which is what we are hoping!

Next, we celebrated my birthday Friday evening (May 22).  Andrew & one of my coworkers tried to plan a surprise party for me!  I say tried because I knew something was up, and was slightly expecting something.  It was still a great time with family & friends!  I didn't take any pictures, myself, but my father-in-law did.  Here are some of the pictures.  It wasn't the GRAND celebration that we had planned for, & Andrew probably won't have the grand party either on his birthday (new baby will have just arrived), so we are trying to plan a BIG celebration/vacation next summer when we both can enjoy the party!  All inclusive here we come (as long as G & G McKean are babysitting)!!!!

This weekend was also spent with my brother, Brian, & his wife, Debbie.  Debbie has been here for a few weeks now, working on a case & Brian came up to spend the weekend with her.  We met Brian & Debbie in Georgetown and walked around.  We then hopped on the metro to eat at local favorite, Ben's Chili Bowl.  

Landon & Debbie in Georgetown...
After eating, we walked to Chinatown, to Debbie's apartment.  It was quite a walk but it was a beautiful day, so we really enjoyed it.  After we recovered from our day of walking, we said goodbye!  We have been so lucky that they have been able to visit as much as they have!

Our weekend wasn't done there.  Sunday & Monday were spent spending my birthday money on redecorating the family room. We have been here for 2 years & I have been wanting to paint a redecorate. I finally took the plunge.

Here are some before pictures.  I had to search through my pictures to find some where you could get the feel of what the family room looked like.  It's quite bland & not much to it.
The wall color & the couch color left the room feeling boring and incomplete.  We've also been in need of an area rug for the family room.
These were hanging above the couch, but were too small for the wall.  They are now up in our bedroom, waiting to be hung when I redo that room.
The problem with the main floor is that the eating area & family room are right next to each other.  I have been wanting to make them look as separate rooms, but wasn't sure how to go about it.  I knew paint color would do the trick, but I seriously fear picking out paint!

We set out originally for an area rug only.  I had one in mind, it's a sisal rug with a burgundy trim around it.  We ended up buying two, one for the family room & one for under the kitchen table.  While out I was inspired by a picture I found!  From there it all fell into place, even though the room is not quite complete.

The paint color is Witch Hazel and it's grayish green.  I love it.  The only area painted this color is the family room, the eating area is the original yellow-cream color. I have another picture to put on the other side of the TV armoire.  It's an old picture of the church where we were married.  I just need a new black frame
Here is the picture that inspired it all.  This is totally out of what I would normally pick, & I feared that I wouldn't like it.  We brought it home just to see what it would look like with everything.  Once I got it home...I was extremely pleased.  
The pillows are also new & work well with the new decor.  Since the room is darker than before, I would like to put another lamp on the stand to the right of the couch.  I'm on the hunt for one.  I would also like to put roman shades on the two windows.  Aunt want to help with that????

Since painting, I have discovered that these colors work well with all the other items in the house that I have been collecting.  Every time Andrew & I travel, I try to pick something up & store it in the house until I can use it.  Some of the items have been out, but now I can use many of the items that have been stored away.  

I am now in the process of working on the kitchen.  I picked a dark red (Roasted Pepper) for the paint.  It's making the kitchen darker, but I plan on painting the cabinets white this summer, to help lighten it up.  When I've completed the kitchen I'll post more pictures.  

Until next time...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The 30 Days...

                                                                                  of me!
Andrew has coined the time period from April 22 to May 22, The 30 Days of Kelley!  I love it! He has done so, due to the fact that between April 22 & May 22 there are 3 special occasions, 2 of which are solely for me!  Sadly, the 30 days are coming to an end.

April 22 starts of the 30 days since it is our Anniversary.  Andrew can never have an excuse for forgetting our anniversary since it is exactly one month before my birthday.  Coincidence?  I think not!   A few weeks later Mother's Day comes about! Then the 30 days of Kelley ends on my birthday, May 22.  Each celebration is equally spread out among the 30 days.  It worked out wonderfully!

These 30 days would not be what they are if it weren't for my wonderful husband.  Andrew does an amazing job of trying to make me feel special on each day.   He's done a great job and I know he has something up his sleeve for tomorrow!

Don't you want your own 30 days?!

There could be a chance...Guam

We found out today that there is a 50/50 chance that Andrew may go to Guam this summer for 1 week to do some work stuff. If this happens Landon and Kelley will most likely come along for the ride.

Aerial photo of Apra Harbor.
War in the Pacific National Historical Park, Asan, Guam.

How cool will this all be? We will find out soon so keep your fingers crossed!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Happy B-Day (Early)

Just wanted to do a early post for Kelley since she does them for everyone else.

Happy 30th Birthday Kelley (Fri, May 22nd)

I hope to have 100 more with you.:)



Sunday, May 17, 2009


Here's an update on our little guy.  It has been quite an eventful week and we still have a bit of a road ahead of us.

On Tuesday,  he received the call that Jax was put down.  It was a call we didn't want to get, but were relieved to get.  We felt better that he didn't have to spend too much time in a kennel (a place he hates), and know that he wasn't in pain.

Thursday, we headed to the pediatrician's office for stitch removal.  when he got there, they didn't have the board to strap Landon down.  Andrew & I did not feel comfortable with us just holding him, so we headed back to the ER.  Landon was great, he laid down without a fight, and had the 5 stitches on his face removed.  The doctor wanted to give the stitches behind the ear a few more days.  Unfortunately, our visit didn't end there.  While the doctor was bandaging the slightly open wounds on the face, he discovered that the lower one was infected.  Landon was strapped once more to the board so the doctor could remove the infection and re-irrigate the wounds.  We were back to square one!  The wounds were opened back to the original day and now we had to let them heal without any stitches.

Friday, Andrew took Landon back to the ER to have the doctors check out the infected wound, and everything looked ok.  The doctor also gave us a number to a plastic surgeon, since the wounds would probably not have a clean scar.

Tomorrow, Andrew & Landon are going to meet with the surgeon to get his opinion on the wounds, & what he would recommend. Also, Landon will get the stitches behind the ear removed while there.  

Our only concerns right now are: 1. Landon has a severe diaper rash...and I mean severe, it looks really painful. (we think it's come about from the antibiotics) 2. that the bottom wound is not infected again.  After bath tonight, we were looking at it, & it seems a little swollen again.  Keep your fingers crossed.

This picture isn't a great one of his cuts.  All the smaller ones are healed, but you can kind of see the two large ones he received.  It looks like everything is healing well

This is the little boy, we've been missing.  He is back to his old self, running, playing, dancing.  Hopefully we can keep it that way!

This was taped before the accident, but I thought it was funny.  He has a new move that he does (it's hilarious), but I failed to capture it in this video.  It's hard to explain in words, I'll have to post another video.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

A sad good-bye

This isn't a happy post, but it's what's going on in our lives right now.  I have gone back and forth about posting, but I decided that if this is blog about our lives (with some other stuff added in), then I should include this post.

Andrew and I have found ourselves in a bad place.  Friday, I came home from work early.  It was a Friday and I had planning at the end of the day, so I decided to spend some quality time with Landon & Andrew (it was his Friday off).  We all, even Jaxson, went out in the front yard to play.  Andrew ran around with Landon & Jax while I sat on the front porch and watched.  After playing, Jaxson went to rest in the grass near Andrew.  Landon decided to go up to Jaxson to pet him and out of the blue, Jaxson went at Landon.

It was so surreal and both Andrew & I had a delayed reaction.  We couldn't believe what was happening.  I held onto Landon and Andrew took Jaxson in the house and then we were off to the ER.  Our only thoughts were on Landon, and making sure he was ok.  

Landon had two deep puncture wounds that each received 2 stitches and about 6 smaller ones, that were left alone.  He also received about 7-8 stitches for the  cut behind his ear.   I think the trauma in the ER had more of an affect on Landon than the attack itself.  Once we were done with the ER ordeal, our thoughts turned to this guy...

Jaxson has been with us (Andrew & I) since Dec of 2002.  He has been a great dog for us, so our next decision was really tough.  Even though he did something terrible, we still couldn't help but feel bad for what was going to happen. We knew there was no way that we could keep him in the house knowing what had happened, especially with the baby on the way.  Andrew made the call to the county to send an officer to pick up Jax on our way home from the ER.  We would have much rather had everything taken care of while we were at the ER, but they needed us there for the paperwork.  We called around 7:30 at night, but they didn't come until 10:30 to take Jax.  So, for three hours Jax sat in the backyard.  We couldn't leave him in the house, not because we were afraid, but because it wouldn't have been right to let him think things were fine.  During that time we said our goodbyes and kept our distance.  Unfortunately for Andrew, he had to actually place Jax in the van, which he wasn't expecting.  That was pretty tough for Andrew to do and for me to watch.

So, the past few days have been a little tough for both Andrew & I and Landon.  Landon had  a pretty rough Saturday.  I think the soreness set in and he was very clingy.  We didn't get many smiles from Landon yesterday.  He is doing much better today and we have a happier little Landon.  As for Andrew & I there have been some things to get used to aorund the house. Jax has been a regular in our lives, and so there are moments when you expect him or think he'll be there.  That will take awhile to get used to.   We know we made the right decision, but that doesn't make this any easier.

We'll miss you Jax!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Seeing Pink

Today we had our sonogram to find out the sex of the baby and...

                                                                       It's a GIRL!

Andrew was guessing it was a girl.  I felt like it was a boy, though I should have known that this little booger was a girl!  She has been so much more active than Landon ever was (in the last 2 sonograms), and it would be the girl to be the active baby.  I'm a little nervous for what lies ahead but super excited at the same time!

Here's the profile of our baby girl...

I couldn't resist putting this picture in.  It's of her tiny, precious feet!

We go for another sonogram in about 6 weeks.  They found 2 tiny, tiny cysts in the choroid plexus of the brain.  They are quite common in fetuses and normally go away throughout the pregnancy.  The doctors want to track them, so we'll have another sonogram.  It will also give us another chance to double check and make sure that the baby is a girl, though I am pretty sure it's correct!

We feel so blessed to have a healthy baby girl and are sure Landon will be an amazing BIG brother!