Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween

This Halloween was great! Landon wore his skeleton shirt to daycare and they even went trick-or-treating in the afternoon. We had no idea they were doing it, other wise we would have sent him with his monkey costume. Luckily there was an extra puppy costume, just right for Landon! Later in the evening, Landon got all suited up to get treats! We originally had a baby chick costume for him, but he wouldn't keep the separate head piece on, so we had to look for another. I found a super cute monkey costume. I guess we're still keeping with the monkey theme from his birthday. He looked so cute when his head was down and all you could see was the monkey face.

Landon and daddy went trick or treating, while mommy handed out candy with other moms.

Landon loved looking in his bag at all his treats!

Next year should be even more fun when he's walking to all of the houses!


anna and geoffrey said...

Those are so cute!! I love the monkey :)

J & M Nelson said...

Looks like you guys had a great time!! Where were you guys at? Martina

KTalbert said...

The Monkey is awesome!! He looks so cute.