Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween

Yesterday we went to a co-workers house for a "boo party" and some trick-or-treating. In the midst of packing, we forgot our camera and Landon's backpack for his Diego costume. We had a great time visiting with friends, showing off Libbie and watching the kids have a fun playing all the games. Landon was not one of those kids participating, he would much rather play with the he did.

Landon would have been just fine last night without the trick-or-treating, but becasue all the "big" kids were doing it, he did. Also, once he figured out that all you had to say was "trick or treat" and you got candy, he was all for it!

This is the only picture I got last night. We finally came home, ready for bed, and Landon wanted to check out his loot! I was quite surprised at how much candy he received.

Since I didn't get pictures yesterday, I needed to get them today. We dressed back up in our Halloween day attire & costumes. This is what the kids wore in preparation for halloween night.

Libbie received another halloween outfit (from Sean, KC, & kids)that I had to make sure I dressed her in. The shirt says ghouls just wanna have cute!

She then had to suffer through another wardrobe change, her halloween costume. We decided to have her wear the pumpkin costume Landon wore 2 years ago. I think it fits her better than it did him. We were thinking of dressing her up as "baby jaguar" who is the sidekick to Diego which was...
Landon's costume! I searched and searched but couldn't find one. I'm sure I could have made one but wasn't up for the task. Landon refused to wear the backpack, this was the best I could get.
Here's the two of them. Separately they picture well, but once I get them together there's never a shot that's great. I guess I should get used to it.
The past 2 years we've done Halloween at our friend's house, but next year we'll probably stick to our neighborhood, for a few reasons:
1. I won't be able to forget the camera or part of a costume
2. we'll have two moving children to escort around
3. there are no stairs to carry children up (I had to carry Landon up loads of stairs last night)
4. Andrew wants to come up with a family theme for all of us. I better get working on this now!

We hope you all had a Happy Halloween!


J & M Nelson said...

The kids look so cute!!! Yes we want to do a fmaily theme next year too!! Let me know what you pick and maybe we can help each other!!!

Ashley said...

Too precious! For real ~ your kids are cute! Haha! Love that Boo! cap on Libbie!!