Saturday, September 20, 2008

Up, and Runnin'

Get ready for some updates! We finally purchased a new camera. We had some errands to run and with Landon's birthday a week away, we figured we should buy one. I am so relieved that I now can update the blog. Landon is getting so big and walking (assisted, that is!). He's waving hi/bye, and patting his mouth, "indian style"! I want to get all this on video to share with everyone and now I can. We decided to go with the camera below from Bestbuy (sorry Kevin...we needed in a rush). It's an Olympus. My brother recommended a Canon and I know the Sony's are well recommended too. The only thing with those, is that they came standard in blue (Canon) and pink(Sony), and I thought we should go for a more gender neutral camera. If had been just me, the blue or the pink would have been fine. Now we just need to get a micro SD card, we only have standard SD cards, and we'll be ready to update the blog! A few weeks ago, Andrew and I bought this bike. Our intention was to purchase a cheap bike, so that Andrew could accompany me on my long runs. For those of you how weren't aware, I'm training for a marathon in December (Jacksonville Marathon). I haven't signed up yet because I wanted to make sure the training goes well. Last time I started training, I got injured, plus I found out I was pregnant. So, if things go well be the end of October, I officially sign up! Keep your fingers crossed. Anyways, since I have no one here to train with, Andrew said that he would bike (since he doesn't run) when I have my long runs. The bike is nothing special but it will do the job! We bought it at good ole Walmart for $89
So, if Andrew is biking and I'm running, where is Landon, you ask? In the bike trailer below! We bought this today at Target for $49. We originally bought another from Walmart for $89 by the same company, and then we found this one...a better deal. Now Landon can come with us! We eventually want to buy a another (nicer) bike and bike rack, so the whole family can ride. I want to start taking a family bike rides along the George Washington Parkway (it runs along the Potomac River, from Alexandria into DC)! But, this all costs money, so one step at a time! We'll try this for awhile (one bike and trailer) and see how it goes!
Happy running and biking to all!
(or whatever activity you participate in)


PablitoRun said...

Oh fun! We have a bike trailer like that and Ben loves it. Glad you got a new camera - we will need to see pictures of Landon turning 1!!

J & M Nelson said...

I am sure you guys are going to have lots of fun running together!! Brody and Emmalyn enjoyed there ride in the trailer yesterday! Hope your run this morning went well. Martina