Sunday, September 21, 2008

10 miler

This morning I had a 10 mile run, so we thought this was a perfect time to try the new bike trailer and camera. We got up at 7 am and got ready for the run. I'm sure Andrew would have rather slept in but he got out of bed for me! The weather has been great this week, especially in the morning. It's actually pretty cool outside, which is always nice when you have a long run to complete.
Landon sat on the counter while I put his new converse shoes on!
Landon patiently waited while Andrew and I went back and forth getting everything we would need. With kids, getting out of the house is never a quick and easy task!
Landon had his milk (whole milk), a bagel to eat, baby, and toys to play with. He was all set to go!

The run went actually well, at least for Landon and I. Landon ate, read a book, and napped. I felt better on this run than last weeks 9 mi. run. I'm sure it helped to have some company, last week was all by myself! Andrew had a harder time. The bike is not great and isn't meant for hills, which you can't avoid in our area. I think the 2nd bike might be purchased sooner than we planned. Next week I go down to 7 mi on Sunday. That will be nice since my parents will be in town and we're celebrating Landon's birthday!


KTalbert said...

Good work Kelley! I need to start doing the longer distances again too...I just need the motivation first.

J & M Nelson said...

Good job I know you are going to do great!! If I could be there and cheer you on i would!! GO MISS KELLEY!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Are you training for something? I had a long run on sat. and my feet are killing me. I have horrible blisters. I cannot wait for training to be over.

Anonymous said...

oopps...I didn't read far enough on the blog to figure out you were running a marathon in Dec. :) Joe and I are gettting ready for the Columbus on Oct. 19.

Anonymous said...

That is awesome that you are training for the Jax marathon. Look for the BK water station at mile 4/23ish in the neighborhood at Beauclerc and Scott Mill. I am going to run the Donna Hicken half wiht my sister and a few cousins in febuary so I still have a few weeks before I need to begin training. The bike and trailer are a great idea for training "partners"!