Tuesday, June 30, 2009

It's been a while

It's been a while since...

1. I blogged
2. We Visited Leland
3. We caught up with family members
4. We visited Grammy
5. I updated you on our little girl

That's quite a few things that have not been not in some time, and all were completed this last week!  So...I'm warning you now, that this could be a very long post, but I'll make sure to interrupt all the writing with pictures  (some courtesy of my cousin Sean) from our week.

Let's start....
Well, #1 is taken care of as I write, now on to #2.

In past posts, Andrew has slightly introduced you all to Leland.  Leland is a small town situated where Lake Michigan & Lake Leelanau meet.  It's a place where my Grandmother (dad's mom) spent her summers growing up.  Then, when she had children of her own, she brought them to Leland.  Now, for the past 8 years, the children, grandchildren & great-grandchildren of my 
Grandmother are experiencing Leland.  

Of those 8 years, I have only been 3 times (2005, 2007, 2009), but I love it.  We try to come as often as we can.  The two off years
 (2006 & 2008) were due to weddings, my own & my older brother's.
It's a week long (now some families are making it two weeks) vacation of family gatherings!

If you're a person who likes to be on the go all the time, this might not be the place for you.  I'm not sure Andrew was quite a fan the first time he went, but he has come to realize that it's one of the only vacation spots where you can truly relax.  We aren't relaxing as much since we are bringing a child of our own, but with all the family around there is plenty to keep Landon occupied & happy! 

All the families rent homes for the week throughout the town, but we are all in walking distance of each other, for the most part.  Here's where we stayed.
We spend our days relaxing at Nedow's Bay (Lake Leelanau) or 

Van's Beach (Lake Michigan). 

 I dare not go in the water, for it is much too cold for my southern liking!  

We gather a few nights for family dinners, one to celebrate Father's Day &

another to celebrate family at Good Harbor.  

Andrew & I enjoy walking around Fishtown 
or eating sandwiches from the Cheese shop.

Fishtown is situated right in the heart of Leland.  It's a working fishery lined with shantys for shopping.  

You can also spot two historic fish tugs sitting in the canal, the Janice Sue & the Joy.  
{Janice Sue courtesy of www.boatnerd.com}

Also, in town is the Merc (local grocery store).  This is where my Grandmother spent her summers, since it was owned by her father at the time.  
{Leland Merc past & present courtesy of www.lelandmerc.com}

We also venture into town for ice cream from the Harbor House.  
{courtesy of Harborhouse.com}

Collecting rocks on the beach is another way we like to spend our time.  

The rocks we're searching for are the Petoskey 
& the Leland Blue.  
{photo courtesy of farlane @ flickr}

Both of these are turned into jewelry that can be seen around necks & wrists. 
{Petoskey paired with Leland Blue courtesy of Auroa Borealis Designs}

Others like to spend their time, canoeing, climbing Sleeping Bear Dunes
Visiting the Manitou Islands
{courtesy www.Michigan.org}

or shopping at surrounding towns, Suttons Bay & Glen Arbor.  Leland is an amazing place that we all cherish!

On to #3 & #4.  

Catching up with family & Grammy.  Well, we covered most of that while in Leland, 
but there were a few others we were able to spend some time with.  

This family, who we saw a few weeks prior at our own home, housed us on our travels to & from Leland.  
Leland is about a 13 hour drive, which we can do in one day, we just don't like to. We drive to Cleveland, stay the night then finish the drive to Leland the next day.  We also do that trip on the way back form Leland.

On our way to Leland, we made a pit stop to visit Grammy (my mom's mom). Brian, my brother, & his wife, Debbie made the stop with us.
On the way back from Leland, Andrew, Landon, Danny (my youngest brother), & I stopped by to say "hi" to this family.  This is my Uncle Jimmy (mom's youngest brother), Aunt Sharon, & their two children Megan & Danny.  We hadn't seen them in probably 7 years, so this visit was way over due.

Lastly, #5... our baby girl update.   

There has been no progression with the name, though I am leaning more to Libbie, I'm just not sure where Andrew stands.  However, we do know where my Grandma (Libbie, herself) stands!  She even sent us a letter letting us know what name she's voting for!  It made us laugh!  Anyways, I had another appt yesterday.  I'm 27 weeks along & everything looks good.  The cysts that were found on the 20 week sonogram were not present on the 24 week sonogram, which is good news!  Also, we talked about the delivery, whether to have another C-section or not.  I have quite a few options and time to think about it.  After my next appt., August 3, we'll schedule another sonogram to get an idea of how big she is & then narrow down my options.  The doctors seem to think that I have big babies, Landon was 8lbs, 5 oz & 3 weeks early (according to the charts), so the likelihood of me having another big baby & possibly bigger, is looking quite good!  Here are my options as of now:

1. schedule the C-section in my 39th week
2. schedule the C-section on my due date, to give me the chance of natural childbirth
3. schedule the C-section  a few days past my due date to give even more of a chance
4. don't schedule the C-section & see how everything goes

All options, except #1, give me the chance of going through natural childbirth, but there is still the chance that she won't descend & I'll have to go into surgery, just like with Landon.  It's alot to think about, but we have some time.

That's everything we've been up to during my absence.  It feels good to be all caught up.  

Here's what's brewing for the future:
1. Andrew's work picnic 
2. Ice Age with Landon
3. Visit from Aunt Mindy (Andrew's sister)
4. 4th of July
5. Our trip to Jacksonville (Landon & I are there for 2 weeks, Andrew will be with us for the first 4 days)


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Teacher Cookout

Since this week is the last week of school (Yea!) and all half days (yea, again!) some teachers from the math & science departments had a get together.  We have formed a mixed department group of "young" teachers, though I'm actually one of the older teachers (I can't believe it...I'm no longer the young one in the department).

This was our gracious host....
She's one of the newest addition to the science department!

And here is a picture of the photographer...
he's a "seasoned" member of the science department...if 4 years makes you seasoned????

While at the get together, a few played ladder golf...
many drank a few drinks...
except for me...
and of course, we all ate some great food!

It was a great time and a nice way to finish the day.  Tomorrow is graduation, Thursday is the last "school" day, & Friday is the last teacher day!!!!! I can't wait!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Info in Eights

I got tagged with EIGHTS by Ashley over at South meets South!!

Here are The Rules!
Link the person who tagged me.
Complete the lists of 8.
Tag 8 other people (and let them know they've been tagged!)

8 Things I Am Looking Forward To:
1. The end of the school year...and the official start to summer!
2. My trip to Florida
3. The birth of our baby girl
4. Having Landon spend the summer with my family
5. My best friend moving back to the States
6. The summer with Landon...no daycare!
7. Leland
8. Relaxing

8 Things I Did Yesterday:
1. Enjoyed a yummy chocolate chip cookie (or two..)
2. Shopped at the Outlet Mall (nothing for me...plenty for the kids)
3. Took a walk with Andrew & Landon
4. Watched "Marley & Me"
5. Folded laundry
6. Went grocery shopping
7. Surfed the Internet
8. Went to bed late...I'm getting to old to stay up past 10!

8 Things I Wish I Could Do:
1. Travel more
2. Go to Guam with Andrew this summer
3. Play the piano
4. Shop all the time with no worries
5. Never gain weight & eat how I want
6. Finish a marathon (gave it a good try in Dec.)
7. Buy a house on the beach (maybe one day)
8. Do it all (work, mommy, clean, cook, etc.) with ease!

8 Shows I Watch:

1. Greys Anatomy
2. Desperate Housewives
3. Brothers and Sisters
4. So You Think You Can Dance
5. Oprah
6. The Hills (a secret obsession)
7. Bones
8. House

8 Favorite Fruits...NOT from cans!:
1. Raspberries (by far my favorite fruit that bring back great memories as a kid with my grandpa)
2. Strawberries
3. Grapes
4. Pineapple
5. Kiwi
6. Apples
7. Watermelon
8. Apricots 

8 Places I'd Like to Travel:
1. Grand Canyon
2. Italy
3. Oregon/Washington
4. Spain
5. New York City (I've been, but when I was little)
6. Alaska
7. Australia
8. Anyplace tropical (I love the beach)

8 Places I've Lived:
1. Childhood home (growing up & for a few years before getting married Orange Park, Fl)
2. San Diego, CA (military move)
3. Alexandria, VA (military move)
4. College dorm rooms (3 different ones)
5. Apartment in Jacksonville (with 3 other sorority sisters)
6. Sinko House (Bel Air, MD for 9 months after graduating college)
7. our Apartment (for 3 months before we moved to VA)
8. Our First home (Lorton, VA)

8 People I've Tagged (it's only 6...sorry) :
1. Martina at J & M Nelson
2. Katrinarun at Pablitorun
3. KC at kctwins
4. Katie at The Talbert Family
5. Anna at Anna & Geoffrey
6. Patti at The Wrights

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Quick Visit

This past Wednesday, we had visitors come for a short visit.  My Aunt, Uncle, & three cousins were vacationing in Ocean City & before heading back home they came to see us!  We were so glad to have them for two nights.

They arrived later in the evening on Wednesday and planned to do a quick site seeing visit.  Unfortunately, Andrew & I had to work on Thursday, so my Aunt & Uncle went to view the 911 Memorial at the Pentagon, by themselves.  All three kids stayed at the house.  

Once we were all all home, we went to dinner together (Thanks, again for the dinner!). Afterwards we hung out in the front to play with Landon...

and take a quick cousin photo!
Thanks for visiting!  See ya soon!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Update on Guam

Looks like Andrew will be heading out to Guam the end of July. Hopefully, Kelley will be able to go but most likely she will have to stay in DC with Landon and her bro, Danny.

Here are some more pics of what Andrew will see when he gets there:

Pacific Ocean at the Outrigger

Night fall in Guam

Maybe there will be a small chance that Kelley and Landon can go. Cross your fingers.:)

Monday, June 8, 2009

For Papa Frosty

A while back, I received a comment that Papa Frosty would like 30 days of Landon.  Of course, that came from Papa Frosty, himself (my dad).  Today I was talking to my mom & in the background, my dad said that I was slacking on the 30 days of Landon.  I haven't taken any new pictures & we haven't done much, so I haven't posted.

I decided to go through my catalog of Landon pictures & videos to find something to post for Papa Frosty.  This video was recorded about a month ago, close to the Jaxson episode (there is a reference), I just never posted it.  There's no dancing, just Landon talking!

Not too much longer until we meet up with my parents for a week in Michigan!  Papa Frosty can have as much Landon time as he wants!!!!!

Waiting on Leland...12 more days!

We have a little under 2 weeks left before we head out for our family vacation in Leland, MI. Our family is so excited about the trip in that it is the official start of our summer. School (Teaching) is done, Landon is done with daycare and Andrew; well he still has to work.:)
This is an annual trip that the McKean family takes every summer. It is so relaxing and fun you actually get to escape your real life for 1 week and have no worries. A little bit of Bob Marley and Jack Johnson playing while you are in Leland makes you feel re-energized.

We cant wait to see the McKean clan soon.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

What's in a name?

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet."

According to Shakespeare, or better yet, Juliet, a name is meaningless. What is most important is what or who something is, not what it is called.

I know this to be true, but there is much thought and effort into naming children. This is the name that your children will carry for the rest of their lives. I have such a hard time with this, not only because it is an arduous process, but because I am a very indecisive person. Andrew & I went to the hospital with two names for Landon, and didn't officially name him until a day after he was born. This time, I would like to have the name picked out, but we may be in the same situation as last.

Not only, is going though names time consuming, but there are some "unofficial" requirements that I think about when picking a name for our children. I'm not sure Andrew has any requirements, but I listen to his name suggestions & if I like the name I see how I can work that name with these criteria. Now, it is very unlikely that all the "criteria" will be met, but I at least like to try. Here are the criteria:

1. I would like the name to have some Family origin (first, middle, or both)

2. I would like the name to have Irish origin (though this is usually the 1st criteria left out)

3. There should be a Saint's Name (or a derivative)

4. Nicknames: If the name can have a nickname, then I have to like the nickname. For example, Nicholas is name I like, but I am not a fan of Nick. I know that it is possible to avoid the child being called Nick, but is very unlikely, so Nicholas is out. Sometimes I like the nickname more than the full name, then I may opt for the nickname only.

Am I crazy??? Or do you have "unofficial" criteria too???? I think we all do, otherwise how do you rule out names and finally decide on the "one."

Here's how Landon's name fits into the criteria:

Landon Thomas

-Family: Thomas is Andrew's middle name

-Irish: not met

-Saint's Name: Thomas fits

-Nickname: there really isn't a nickname, so this was one I didn't have to worry about

So...with the few times that Andrew & I have discussed names, we are pretty much stuck with the same two. There are plenty that Andrew likes and plenty that I like, but there aren't many we like together. The names that we do like, seem to be displaced by the two we keep returning to.  Here are the two that are our top runners right now & how they fit the "requirements".

(This is our most recent sonogram picture, taken yesterday)

(Anne, Rose, Jane for the middle name)

- Family: Libbie is my Grandmother's nickname, Anne 
is my middle name, & Jane is my mother's middle name

-Irish: as far as I can tell, none of the names fit

-Saint's name: Libbie is from Elizabeth & Anne fits

-Nickname: Libbie is a nickname for Elizabeth & since I like Libbie more than Elizabeth, I would rather name her Libbie

(Anne & Kelley for middle name)

-Family: Anne & Kelley are both mine

-Irish: Mackenzie & Kelley both have Irish origin

-Saint's name: Anne is the only name that fits

-Nickname: Mackenzie has two nicknames, Mack or Kenzie, & I like them both

This is not to say that another name might not sneak in for a surprise win. These two names are just the front runners at this time.  Any suggestions?