Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sick Baby

The past few days have been pretty rough for Landon. He started getting sick on Monday when we were leaving MN. Landon wasn't really holding any food down and feeling a bit warm. He was great on the plane, but we knew he wasn't himself. Tuesday, Andrew and I got ready for work as usual. Andrew dropped Landon off at daycare and let Nancy know of what's going on. Luckily I was able to leave school at 10:30 since the last two periods of the day were planning. I was able to pick Landon up and lay in bed with him at home. Soon after we got home I started feeling bad. Andrew came home and hung out for awhile before he had to leave for Orlando for work.

This morning Landon and I both woke up not feeling well. I stayed home since Andrew was away. I have progressively gotten better but Landon still isn't himself and is fighting a fever. We haven't really tried foods but the pedialyte is helping a bit. I had to show you all how sad this little boy looks. Hopefully he gets better soon.


KTalbert said...

Poor thing! I hate it when they are sick and you really can't do anything for them. I hope he feels better soon! And you too!

Anonymous said...

Landon looks soooo sad/sick in those pictures. I hope he is feeling better.

J & M Nelson said...

AW how sad! I wish Iw as ther to love on him!! Martina