Sunday, February 8, 2009

Forbidden Yard

I think most people, either growing up or now with their kids, have yard in the neighborhood that is OFF LIMITS! Ours is next door and Landon just so happens to love to go in their yard. Keep in mind, our yards aren't that big, but our next door neighbors have it filled with all sorts of plants and statues (you can see one in the picture). I think I counted 7 total...and what kid wouldn't want to touch and play in that yard.

We get along with our entire stretch of 7 townhouses, except the next door neighbors. Apparently she is quite particular about her yard and Andrew made a few mistakes when we first moved in (nothing serious...complete accidents, and nothing most people would freak out about). I have been dreading the day when Landon can really get around outside because I feared he would love to go in "that" yard. My fear has come true. He will walk all the way to their front door to touch and play with her statues. He also loves to hit the bushes and climb on her stone bench, which is a perfect size for a toddler.

Today was such a beautiful day, we couldn't resist playing outside. I had to get a picture of Landon "attempting" to play with the bushes when daddy stopped him...for just a short minute. I snapped the picture just as Andrew was telling Landon, "no" and Landon looked at Andrew with that look "yeah right!"

This could be an interesting spring and summer with Landon out in the yard playing!

1 comment:

J & M Nelson said...

Well I will just pray he does not get sprayed with the water hose like Emmalyn did! Love ya'll. martina