Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow Day

Today was our first snow day of winter...and it could be our only. Keep you fingers crossed that we get a few more! I was sort of "off" Mon. and Tues. I say sort of because they are teacher workdays, meaning I have to report to school but the students don't. That is pretty much a day off in my book! Monday I was in school finishing grades for 2nd Qtr and yesterday I was supposed to go to a staff development on the other side of the county. I sat and sat and sat in traffic, when I realized I was going to be 30-45 min late, I decided to turn around. I did some work at home then picked Landon up early from daycare. We watched the news all night. I was a little discouraged but when I woke up this morning, at 5 a.m. (which is normal), I got the news that school was cancelled! Poor Andrew had to report in. Andrew went off to work and I slept for another hour and a half, until my precious baby woke up!

We ate breakfast in bed (bananas and milk) and watch a few cartoons. Then we headed downstairs. Landon watched a few more cartoons, so that I could get some chores done. I should be somewhat productive on a day off...right? Then I got Landon ready while I stayed in my pj's. Here is how we spent our morning...

We went to play in the snow. Yesterday when it was soft, Landon wanted nothing to do with it. I couldn't even put him down. Today it was hard from freezing last night and he was a little better. I know it doesn't look like much to some of you, but this could be it for the winter for us! We aren't as equipped as other states, so the lightest bit of snow keeps us in!
Then we came inside and worked on a puzzle that Landon got from his Uncle Sean.

I read many books...over and over! Yes...I read all of these! And will probably read them a few more times before the day is done.
Landon wanted to put on his new soccer band and kick his soccer ball.

Then Landon proceeded to empty his toy basket and play with all of his toys!

After cleaning everything up, Landon handed me the remote. I wouldn't dare let him watch any more t.v., so I compromised and turned it on, but turned it to the music channels. Landon didn't mind...he loves to dance. So her is video of him dancing.

After dancing, Landon settled down with milk and his baby. I took him upstairs for his nap. The afternoon just might be repeat from above!


Unknown said...

It looks like he has dance moves like his Uncle Sean....poor guy

J & M Nelson said...

I love how he stomps his one foot Brody does the same thing!! I wish we only got that much snow I am so over it!! martina

Anonymous said...

He has moves like his great uncle Brian!