Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Sailor and PBJ

First...the sailor

In the past day and a half I have come up with all sorts of things to post about. I guess I am avoiding the work I should be doing (getting materials for Honors Bio and making a power point for Anatomy). I think I am secretly hoping for another snow day, even though I know the most we'll get tomorrow is a late start.

Last weekend, Andrew and I took Landon for a haircut and to get some pictures taken. There is this sailor suit that my dad and 3 brothers had pictures taken in. While we were home for Christmas, my mom gave it to me so I could have Landon's picture taken in it. He looked so handsome when he tried it on at my parent's house. Here is the suit:

I had his pictures taken at Portrait Innovations. It's quick, easy, and fairly inexpensive. For one package (1 10x13, 2 8x10, 4 5x7, 4 31/2 x 5, 32 wallets) cost only $10, then we purchased 2 extra sheets for $15 ea. I made the mistake of ordering the package in the white background and the 2 extra sheets with the black background. I should have done it the other way around. The suit is a little big, so I may take him back and get only the black background. Landon was great! It was a last minute thing and he was done in 15 min!
(I scanned these in at work, that's why they are in black and white. )

Now...the PB&J
I recently bought the cookbook deceptively delicious. It give you all sorts of recipes and the vegetable purees to hide in them. I tried tofu nuggets and they did not go over with Landon. Andrew wasn't too surprised. Instead of throwing them out, we decided to see if Jax (our dog) would like them. He loves them. At least they aren't totally going to waste.
Today, on our snow day, I decided to try something that looked a little more yummy! I am not a big fan of PB&J sandwiches but the muffins in the cookbook looked delicious. Landon ate his lunch while I made the muffins. They were so easy to make. If you click on the picture of the recipe you should be able to read it.

Here they are all done! Can you believe they have carrot puree and yogurt hidden inside. I loved them. Landon was a little slower in liking them, but I finally got him to eat one.

I'll post other recipes that go well!

Snow Day

Today was our first snow day of winter...and it could be our only. Keep you fingers crossed that we get a few more! I was sort of "off" Mon. and Tues. I say sort of because they are teacher workdays, meaning I have to report to school but the students don't. That is pretty much a day off in my book! Monday I was in school finishing grades for 2nd Qtr and yesterday I was supposed to go to a staff development on the other side of the county. I sat and sat and sat in traffic, when I realized I was going to be 30-45 min late, I decided to turn around. I did some work at home then picked Landon up early from daycare. We watched the news all night. I was a little discouraged but when I woke up this morning, at 5 a.m. (which is normal), I got the news that school was cancelled! Poor Andrew had to report in. Andrew went off to work and I slept for another hour and a half, until my precious baby woke up!

We ate breakfast in bed (bananas and milk) and watch a few cartoons. Then we headed downstairs. Landon watched a few more cartoons, so that I could get some chores done. I should be somewhat productive on a day off...right? Then I got Landon ready while I stayed in my pj's. Here is how we spent our morning...

We went to play in the snow. Yesterday when it was soft, Landon wanted nothing to do with it. I couldn't even put him down. Today it was hard from freezing last night and he was a little better. I know it doesn't look like much to some of you, but this could be it for the winter for us! We aren't as equipped as other states, so the lightest bit of snow keeps us in!
Then we came inside and worked on a puzzle that Landon got from his Uncle Sean.

I read many books...over and over! Yes...I read all of these! And will probably read them a few more times before the day is done.
Landon wanted to put on his new soccer band and kick his soccer ball.

Then Landon proceeded to empty his toy basket and play with all of his toys!

After cleaning everything up, Landon handed me the remote. I wouldn't dare let him watch any more t.v., so I compromised and turned it on, but turned it to the music channels. Landon didn't mind...he loves to dance. So her is video of him dancing.

After dancing, Landon settled down with milk and his baby. I took him upstairs for his nap. The afternoon just might be repeat from above!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Landon Updates

It's been awhile since I posted some pictures of Landon. He is growing so fast and isn't much of a baby anymore. He makes us laugh everyday! He has been such a blessing in our lives.

Landon is getting into everything ans sometimes enjoys Jax's toys more than his own. He decided one night to empty Jax's basket and climb inside. What a cutie!

We have also been working with Landon on learning sign language. We have only been working on a few words, especially please and thank you. When you watch the video, the signs aren't exact but they work. Here are descriptions of two of the signs and you can compare them to Landon's interpretation.
Thank you: tap your chin and then extend out
Please: pat your heart

We miss you all!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Ohh the Economy...Girl Scouts Downsize

Facing increased costs, Girl Scouts Downsize Boxes (

It's always seemed a little too effortless to finish off a box of Girl Scout cookies, but if they are a little easier to dust off this year, it's not just in your head. To offset the cost increases of cookie ingredients, Girl Scouts of the USA made the decision to shrink its cookie boxes by a centimeter, package fewer cookies into boxes of Thin Mints, Do-si-dos, and Tagalongs, and reduce the size of its Lemon Chalet Crèmes. According to the organization, the cost of flour rose by 30 percent, assorted cooking oils by 40 percent, and cocoa by at least 20 percent. The company felt this was the best method of dealing with increasing raw material prices. Alternatively, Girl Scouts could have used cheaper ingredients, or raised cookie prices from their current price of $3.50 per box.
This doesn't come as a surprise to me, since last year producers began rolling out shrunken products in reaction to the price of food on the rise. I'm secretly a bit excited — for once, the downsized box may be enough for me to stop short of a stomachache.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Landon Peck, M.D.

Today, like most every-other-Fridays, Landon and Andrew came up to school for lunch. Since Andrew has every other Friday off, he treats me with a visit and lunch. Depending on the school schedule, they sometime hang out afterwards because I have planning. Needless to say, I don't get much planning done on those days.

Today we went to visit some teachers in the Academy. The Academy is a section of the school where students can learn a trade (dental assistant, pharmacy, etc.) and when they graduate, they are able to get a job. It's a great program. There are a few teachers that I have become close with and they love Landon! When we went down, they had a surprise for scrubs!
These are so cute and are a hand-me-down from one of the teacher's sons, who is too big for them now. Another teacher wants to order new ones and have "Landon Peck, M.D." embroidered on them!

he posed with "Mickey the Pharmacist" and a mortar & pestle...

He was also given 2 bags filled with toys and goodies! The ball was one of the toys, and boy does Landon love bouncy balls! He played with it all afternoon at school.

We are so thankful for our friends here at the school and we appreciate all the love they give Landon!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Calling all Gator Fans!

As you all know, Landon doesn't have much choice but to be a Gator fan! Landon was all ready for the Gator Game. He had to make a few phone calls to make sure everyone was getting ready to watch the game! Too bad he couldn't stay awake for the game, but at least he was supporting them during the day.

His support must have helped! National Champs! Go Gators!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Ringin' in the New Year!

Thanks to grandma and grandpa, we were able to have a night for New Years. Sean and KC also came out. It was really nice to have a night out, since last years was pretty uneventful.

We had a great time! We hope everyone else had a wonderful New Years! Wishing you all the best in 2009!

Old Friends

While in town, I was able to catch up with some old high school friends. It was great to see faces I hadn't seen in such a long time. Below is me and two friends participating in a hash run BK alumni hold every Dec 23. Here are two friends I was really close with during HS. It is crazy to see us together, with some additions.
I also went to dinner with a few others, but unfortunately I didn't get a picture with them. I had a great time with all of you! We'll have to do it again next time we're all in town!