Sunday, July 24, 2011

Leland 2011 Part I: Father's Day

This year there were a few changes to our annual trip to Leland. 1st: Sean, KC, and the kids joined us. 2nd: Andrew, the kids and I stayed for 2 weeks. 3rd: Brian and Debbie brought along some extra cargo, the newest addition to the family, Connelly. 4th: the weather was not its usual bright and sunny. We had a wonderful time so get ready for quite a few posts on Leland. When you take over 500 pictures, its hard to pick only a few to capture all the fun and family that is Leland.

Our first family event was Father's Day. We cooked out and Papa Frosty opened his presents.
All the dads posed with their children, then we headed to another house for a family get together and making Smores!
Chance and Landon were reunited and had a great time together.
The kids enjoyed looking at all the fish in the water now that there is a dock at the house.
Danny, Sean and I made our smores...yummy!
I had to add this picture because KC's face while watching Sean eat his smore is priceless.

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