Like last year, we celebrated the 4th at my friend Erin's house. She used to work with me at West potomac but has since moved to another school closer to her home. We were in great company with Erin's brother and his girlfriend along with another co-worker of mine, and family friends of Erin.
We had thought about heading into DC for the 4th since Landon is at the age where he likes the fireworks. Since Libbie doesn't know what to think of them we opted to stay local instead of traveling on the metro with every other person in the DC metro area. Andrew and I have been to DC (our first 4th in Virginia) to watch the fireworks and we will take the kids soon.
Erin always does a great job hosting parties and she did it again. Usually we bring something to contribute to the party, but since we had just got back into town the day before she graciously told us not to worry about it!

We hung out outside playing ladder golf, eating snack, drinking yummy drinks and watching the kids play.

We then headed inside for more eating and a few more drinks. Libbie made herself at home in the dogs kennel.

Once dinner was over and the sun went down, we headed back outside to watch simple fireworks right in the neighborhood. Derrick (Erin's husband) and I were the photographers of the night and thought we should get a picture of each other. I'm guessing there's a similar picture of me on Erin's camera!

We watched the fireworks

which Landon gave an enthusiatic thumbs up...

and Libbie did not. She watched from inside the house with the dog!

The party didn't end when the fireworks ended, we headed back inside for some desserts and more playtime.

Nicky (Erin & Derrick's son) loved giving me faces instead of taking a normal picture. I guess, where's the fun in a normal picture when you can make that face!?

Thanks again Erin & Derrick...we had a great time!