Thursday, June 10, 2010

Silly Bandz

Have you seen these things...They are all the craze. They are called silly bandz, and though they don't look like much more than elastic animals, they are bracelets. Silly bandz come in all shapes and colors and are all the rave with students. I recently got sucked into them from a few of my students and I have passed the addiction on to Landon.
He loves them! We had a rocky start because Landon only had one and wanted to take it off and on all the time. I told him it has to stay on his arm if he wanted to keep it. Once I had more for him, he became so proud and wanted to keep them on his wrist.
When Andrew came home, Landon sat with him an pulled them off one by one to let Daddy know what animals he had on his arm.
If you haven't seen them yet, get ready, they're coming to a town near you!

1 comment:

J & M Nelson said...

OH yes Emmalyn brought them to Tremont from AL at Christmas time!! Now we talk about it all the time!!!