Tuesday, October 6, 2009

2 Years...2 Weeks

Yesterday Landon, Libbie, and I had our check-ups. Everyone is doing well.

My scar is healing well and the pounds are dropping, which is a good thing since I gained more weight with Libbie than with Landon. I'm moving around well but still trying to take it easy. It's been pretty easy since my mom was in town last week. We were so glad to have her help. Mom made dinner every night, did laundry, helped with the kids, and so much more. Thanks mom! We love you!

Libbie had her two week check-up. Libbie was 8lb 12 oz when she was born and when we left the hospital she was 8lb 4 oz. At the 2 week check-up the doctor's like the the babies to gain back the weight they lost, bringing them back to birth weight. Libbie surpassed that! She gained back the weight she lost plus almost another pound. She now weighs 9 lb 11 oz!!! Needless to say she isn't starving. She also gained an inch in height, so now she is 21 1/2 in. Libbie is in the 90th percentile for height and weight!

Landon also went to the doctor for his 2 year check-up. Landon is also growing, growing! Landon weighed in at 31 lbs, putting him in the 75th percentile. He is 36 3/4 in tall, putting him in the 95th percentile. We, more me than Andrew, were a little worried about his eating habits. The doctor assured us that as long as he's gaining weight, not to worry!

We are so blessed to have two healthy, growing children!


Ashley said...

I'm glad you are all doing well. You look great and Libbie is absolutely breathtaking! Sounds like you are going to have quite a tall little family!

J & M Nelson said...

They both look wonderful!!!