Thursday, July 2, 2009

Tuesday & Wednesday

This week is the first week Landon & I have been home alone together this summer, & it's been quite an adjustment.  I think for both of us!  Don't get me wrong, I love spending my days with Landon, it's just that we're also working on getting him on a better sleeping routine (more on that later).  

Since we're working on a better schedule, Landon & I have been sticking close to home, which makes for a stir crazy momma!  Luckily we only had 2 days of that (Mon. & Tues.).  Once Wed. hit, our social gatherings picked up, along with having Daddy around the house.  

Monday, Landon & I played "catch up" around the house. He played, ate, & slept while I cleaned, unpacked,  did laundry, & organized a few things.  Tuesday we got out and washed the truck.  Landon was only interested in washing the truck when I didn't have the hose.  he was afraid I would spray him, which I may have slightly done in good fun!!!!

Once the water was turned off, Landon quickly became interested in his next favorite thing, the neighbor's front yard.  They weren't home, so I didn't mind so much until he started picking at her plants after he tried making friends with the little stone boy.  Normally it wouldn't be a big deal, but for some reason I get the feeling that she knows exactly how many leaves are on each bush & if there's one missing, she might call the cops on us (it wouldn't be the first!!)!
Wednesday was a bot more eventful.  Andrew had a half day due to his work picnic.   It wasn't much a picnic but more of a mini carnival.  There was music, a water slide, cotton candy machine, snow cone machine, dunk tank, & sumo wrestling suits for adults & children to enjoy.Landon had no interest in the food or games.  He went straight to the swings & soccer ball for some classic fun!

It was a great time filled with food & fun!

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