Saturday, May 30, 2009


...and to the movies we went.  

Andrew & I have been talking about going to see the new Disney PIXAR movie, Up, for quite some time.  We thought it looked pretty good, and since Landon loves movies, we thought why not go!  We knew we were running the risk of a meltdown or boredom somewhere in between the first 10 minutes & the end, but we decided to go anyways.

We decided that the best time to go was the early showing, which was 11:00.  We knew that if we went at that time, there would be more kids (so other parents would understand if Landon started acting up) & it probably would be less crowded.  We were right, the theatre was barely full!

On our way there, Landon fell asleep.  It didn't surprise us since that is right around Landon's nap time on the weekends.  We kept him asleep until the middle of the previews.

Once awake, & eyeing the presence of popcorn, Landon was ready for the movie to begin!  We came prepared with de-de & green monkey (a new lovey) just in case!

The movie was great & Landon behaved wonderfully!  He was totally absorbed in the movie. Both children & adults can really enjoy the movie.  The storyline is quite adult, but the characters & plot were quite funny.  If you're a crier, like me, be prepared to shed some tears. Overall, I would recommend taking your children to this movie.  Landon left a happy camper!


Ashley said...

Fun!! I've heard Up is really good. I'll probably wait til it's out on dvd.

J & M Nelson said...

how fun i have been wondering if we should take Emmalyn to see it!