Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow Day...

It's March 2 and this is what we woke up to this morning! Luckily, I already new that school was canceled and enjoyed the "white" morning at a decent hour! I was just coming to terms with the fact that I have 5 full weeks of on and off cold until spring break, when this decided to come. I am so ready for the sun and warmth to come to Va, but I don't mind a day off from school. Andrew decided to take the day too. We did nothing productive, just enjoyed the day together. After Landon's nap, we headed outside to play, but Landon was not a fan of the snow. All he would do is stand on the sidewalk were there was no snow.

Jaxson actually had a great time running around in the snow.

Landon needed the comfort of his "de-de" (baby) and da-da while outside. Standing on the sidewalk only lasted for a short while.

Daddy decided to take Landon on a little run in the snow. Jaxson tagged along too!

1 comment:

J & M Nelson said...

How fun! It is colder there then it is here! Martina